| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
The assessment should also include observations of operations and drills. For example, the
following operations are good candidates for conducting observations:
Maintenance activities involving contaminated systems and equipment
Routine and special radiological surveys conducted by technicians
Radiological response drills
Inspection, calibration, and testing of radiological monitoring instruments
There are several aspects of the radiological control program that can be assessed during these
activities. For instance, while observing a maintenance operation on a radiologically contaminated
system, the following items might be observed:
Use of and adherence to the radiological work permit by operators, maintenance personnel,
and radiological control technicians
Radiological posting of the area
Use of personnel protective equipment and dosimetry by personnel involved in the work
Methods used to control contamination and personnel exposure during the activity
The conduct of radiological surveys by technicians
Personnel monitoring during the activity and upon exit from the posted area
The interface between radiological control technicians and the personnel involved in the work
Operators, maintenance personnel, shift supervisors, and technicians from each shift should be
observed during the assessment. If possible, the observation of a particular shift position should
start at shift turnover since vital information about the operating status of equipment and systems,
and operations and maintenance in progress, is passed between shifts at this time.
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