| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Operations and maintenance personnel knowledge, training, and ability in radiological control,
including basic knowledge, job knowledge, worker responsibilities, etc.
Radiological control personnel knowledge, training, and ability to include technicians, staff,
and management
Personnel exposure control and use of dosimetry
Use and calibration of radiation measuring equipment
Control of radioactive material and contamination
Functional relationship between the Radiological Control Organization and the Operations
6.19.3 Observation. Observations of radiological control should be conducted during
walkthroughs and tours with operators, shift supervisors, and radiological control technicians.
Walkthroughs with operations department personnel should be used to evaluate their knowledge
and skills regarding:
Minimizing personnel exposure
Use of dosimetry
Requirements for personnel monitoring and contamination control
Use of and adherence to the requirements contained in radiological work permits, including
the use of personnel protective equipment
Radiological postings
Observations of radiological control technicians should focus on the items listed above, but should
also include:
The conduct of radiological surveys
Calibration and use of monitoring instruments
Control of radioactive sources
Dosimetry control and operations
Control of radioactive material and contamination
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