| DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Achievable" (ALARA) should be used as a management tool for improving operating
performance and measuring operating effectiveness. Operations personnel should also follow
good personnel protection practices to maintain personnel exposure to radiation "ALARA." For
example, an operator may be required to conduct operations in a radiologically controlled area.
The operator's adherence to radiological control requirements, such as personnel protection
requirements and the proper use of radiation work permits, directly impacts the worker's
exposure and safety. For these reasons, operations assessments should include an evaluation of
radiological control.
An operations assessment of radiological controls focuses on radiological operations rather than a
comprehensive radiological control audit. For example, during an operations assessment, it is
more beneficial to observe a maintenance action with significant radiological precautions rather
than locating every radiological posting in the activity; the former is operational and the latter is
more administrative. The emphasis should be on assessing the radiological operations that require
the support of radiological control technicians rather than the administration of a radiological
control program.
6.19.2 Preparing to Assess Operations-Related Radiological Control. To develop an
assessment plan for operations-related radiological control, assessors should first review the
activity's implementation of radiological control. This will allow assessors to determine which
activity policies and procedures apply the guidelines of current radiological protection regulations
and directives when developing the assessment plan. Sections 5.4 and 5.8 provide a detailed
explanation of assessment planning and the use of assessment techniques.
To determine the observations, interviews, and document reviews necessary to assess radiological
control, the specific elements of the program to be assessed must be identified. The following are
examples of assessable areas in radiological controls:
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