| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
Thirteen of Fifteen personnel observed did not doff Personal Protective Clothing in accordance
with posted instructions. (Reference: 1) [Concern: 5]
DISCUSSION: Personnel undressing techniques were observed at C-Farm, Y-Farm, and
X-Farm. Of the fifteen personnel observed, thirteen did not remove their PCS in accordance
with the posted undressing procedures. Personnel removed hoods, rubber shoe covers and
gloves out of sequence.
One person was observed chewing gum inside a Contamination Area. (Reference: 1) [Concern: 5]
DISCUSSION: During work on DCRT cover block removal on 7/18/95, at X-Farm, one
person was observed chewing gum inside the Contamination Area.
One worker entered a Contamination Area without wearing Personal Protective Equipment and
Clothing required by the Radiological Work Permit (RWP). (Reference: 1) [Concern: 5]
DISCUSSION: A worker installing a step-off pad at X-Farm, entered the Contamination
Area (CA) without wearing Personal Protective Clothing (PCS). The worker was on his
hands and knees inside the CA. The worker was signed in under RWP E-704. The RWP
required a full set of PCS.
Discussions with the Radiological Control Technician (RCT) indicated the area had been
surveyed earlier and found to be uncontaminated. If the area is not contaminated, the
boundary of the Contamination Area should have been collapsed in lieu of having personnel
violate RWP requirements.
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