| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5505-96
1. Site Radiological Control Manual (SRCM)
Numerous personnel failed to minimize skin contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.
(Reference: 1) [Concern: 5]
DISCUSSION: Personnel contamination control work practices were observed during work
at Y-Farm, X-Farm, and C-Farm. Approximately fifty percent of the personnel observed
exhibited poor contamination control work practices. Examples include: More than ten
personnel were observed touching their nose or face with PCS while working inside a
Contamination Area (CA), Other problems included wiping nose or face with sleeve of
PCS, resting forehead on arm sleeve of PC during rest period, pushing up glasses with
potentially contaminated gloves. One person working inside a CA removed his hood, put it
in his pocket, and put on a hard hat. Several poor contamination control work practices
were observed during doffing of protective clothing: one worker adjusted his personal
clothing with potentially contaminated gloves; one person put his potentially contaminated
hardhat back on his bare head; one person rested his bare arm on the door inside the
contamination area while waiting to perform a whole body frisk; two of three personnel
observed used improper technique when removing their respirators (the workers lifted the
respirators and pulled them over their head); two workers used improper technique when
removing anti-C hoods; one person was observed retrieving material from inside a used
anti-C bin wearing only latex gloves; one person was observed walking over a contaminated
laydown surface that had been used to prevent the spread of contamination from the highly
contaminated bottom surface of the DCRT cover block.
Most personnel observed performing personnel contamination monitoring at tank farm
contamination control points displayed poor frisking practices. (Reference: 1) [Concern: 5]
DISCUSSION: Seven of nine health physics technicians and workers observed performing
frisking at contamination control points at N, Y, X, and C farms displayed significant
deficiencies in frisking technique. In 15 whole body frisk evolutions observed, significant
errors were made in 11 cases. Errors included frisking much too fast, holding the probe too
far from the surface being surveyed, not pausing at nose and mouth, and not covering all
surfaces of the body.
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