| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
in fusion, careful attention to design can prevent accidents or can minimize the
threats posed by the energy source to liberate the inventories. These differences
indicate that a unique approach is needed in the development of fusion safety
One detailed example of the difference in hazards is that fusion facilities are
expected to contain no fissile or fertile materials or fission products.1 Nuclear critical-
ity with its associated energy release cannot occur in fusion facilities. For the fusion
reaction to take place, controlled and difficult-to-achieve conditions must be main -
tained. Any event that disturbs these conditions results in a quenching of the plasma
and the cessation of fusion reactions.
A second example is the difference in the hazard associated with the radionuclide
inventories. Fission, by its nature, results in long-lived, highly radioactive fission
products. In fusion facilities, however, radionuclide inventories will be dominated by
tritium fuel that collects on internal structures and activation products in the struc-
tures, depending on the fuel cycle, the stage of operation, and the specific mission
and operating profile of the machine. Tritium is also a highly mobile gas, relatively
difficult to contain. Fusion activation products will be principally solids, not easily
mobilized except in an extreme accident scenario. Furthermore these inventories
may be reduced by proper selection of materials. Differences in the vulnerabilities of
the inventories of radioactive material will exist in fusion machines as compared with
those in other nuclear facilities. For example, early fusion machines will probably
operate in a pulsed mode where operation is only for relatively short periods. The
hazards tend to be more distributed spatially than in fission systems. Further, there is
no possibility for criticality related accidents in a fusion machine. There are also
differences in the relative biological risks of the radioisotopes because actinides,
radioactive noble gases, radioiodine, radiocesium, radiostrontium, or plutonium,
which are inherently associated with the fission-connected process, are not present
in fusion. These are more biologically hazardous than tritium (which is the most
significant releasable radionuclide in fusion).
A third difference is that while fission-related facilities usually can be operated only
as nuclear facilities (e.g., with fission reactions taking place in reactors), a fusion
facility may be operated using only protium and/or deuterium for comparatively
extensive periods during which the radionuclide production is below thresholds
requiring special handling as a nuclear facility.2 Hence, for that period, fusion
1Some designs have been proposed for hybrid fusion reactors that would contain fissile fuel, but there are no
specific plans to build machines of this type.
2The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor and the DIII-D facility have operated with deuterium for years as non-
nuclear facilities.
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