| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
4.16.2 Configuration Management
Each fusion facility shall have a configuration management system. The configuration
management program shall assure that the actual as-built configuration of the facility is known,
that the configuration reflects and is accurate with respect to the design requirements, that the
documentation is maintained as it relates to items performing safety functions, and that changes
to this configuration are controlled.
4.16.3 Unreviewed Safety Questions
Each fusion facility shall have a system for performing evaluations of proposed actions
against the facility's authorization basis. Evaluations shall be performed for changes to the facil-
ity described in the existing safety analysis, changes to procedures that affect items performing
safety functions, and tests or experiments that are not bounded in the existing safety analysis. If
a condition is discovered in the facility that is not covered by the existing authorization basis,
then operations not enveloped by the existing authorization basis shall cease until an appropri -
ate analysis has been completed and the facility's authorization basis has been changed to
reflect the actual plant conditions.
4.16.4 Conduct of Operations
Each fusion facility shall have a conduct-of-operations program. The program shall
address the operating organization and administration, shift routines and operating practices,
control area activities, communications, control of on-shift training, investigation of abnormal
events, notifications, control of equipment and system status, lockout and tagout, independent
verification, log keeping, operations turnover, required reading, operator orders, operations pro-
cedures, operator aids, and equipment labeling. The extent of the conduct-of-operations pro-
gram will be based upon a graded approach commensurate with the risks of the facility.
4.16.5 Operational Requirements
Each fusion facility shall prepare and maintain an operational requirements document .
This document shall be based upon safety analysis and shall define the lowest functional oper-
ability or performance level of systems, components, and functions required for normal safe
operation of the facility.
4.16.6 Training and Certification
Each fusion facility shall develop and implement a training, qualification, and certification
program using a graded approach based upon the risk of the facility. The training program shall
identify the required training, qualification, and certification program for each required operator
position. The program shall include the theory and principles of operations, facility operating
characteristics, facility instrumentation, items performing safety functions, normal and emer-
gency procedures, radiation control and safety, authorization basis, and written evaluations and
examinations. The training program shall also include operator proficiency requirements and
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