| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
(without regard for the likelihood or credibility of off-normal conditions or consequence
Inherent--An adjective to describe a design feature or function that operates without the appli-
cation of a separate input such as an activation signal. An example of an inherent design fea-
ture is a fail-safe valve that closes automatically on loss of power.
ITER--International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.
Maintenance--The organized activity, both administrative and technical, directed toward keep-
ing structures, systems, and components in good operating condition, including both preventive
and corrective aspects.
May--Permission; neither a requirement nor a recommendation.
Monitoring--Continuous or periodic measurement and/or observation of parameters or deter-
mination of the status of a system or component. Sampling may be involved as a preliminary
step to measurement.
Normal Conditions--Conditions associated with the routine operation of the facility.
Normal Operations--Activities at a facility performed within specific normal operational limits
and conditions, including startup, operation, shutdown, maintenance, and testing. Normal
operations do not include anticipated operational occurrences.
Off-Normal Conditions--Conditions beyond anticipated operational occurrences that include
all credible events.
Passive--An adjective that describes a function that requires no operation or movement of
component parts.
barriers, or a combination thereof.
Postulated Initiating Events (PIE)--Identified happenings or conditions that lead to anticipated
operational occurrences, off-normal conditions, and their consequential failure effects.
Potential Safety Concern--A feature and/or process determined to be capable of challenging
a public safety function and to which a risk-informed decision-making process is applied during
Public Safety Function--Essential characteristics or performance needed to ensure the safety
and the protection of the public and the environment during operations, anticipated opera tional
occurrences, and off-normal conditions.
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