| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
Quality Assurance--Those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate
confidence that an item or service will satisfy specified requirements for intended service.
Redundancy--Provision of more than the minimum number of similar elements or systems, so
that loss of any one does not result in the loss of the required function.
Requirement--That which must be done to be in compliance with this Standard. (Most
requirements included here are also mandated by Federal law.)
bility that an event will occur and the consequence of that event.
Shall--Used to denote a firm requirement that must be met to be in compliance with this
Shall Consider--The need for and applicability of stated features or attributes must be evalu-
ated and the results of the evaluation documented.
Should--A desirable option or recommendation, departure from which is permissible.
Technical Safety Requirements--Those requirements that define the bounding conditions for
safe operation, the bases thereof, and the management or administrative controls required to
ensure the safe operation of a facility.
Workers--Persons performing work at the facility or on the site of the facility.
Worker Safety Function--Essential characteristics or performance needed to assure the pro-
tection of workers during normal operations, anticipated operational occurrences, and off-normal
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