| ![]() DOE-STD-6002-96
b. the use of conservative design margins;
c. the use of a succession of physical barriers (passive preferred) for protection against
release of radioactive and hazardous materials;
d. the provision of multiple means (inherent, passive, or active) for ensuring the public
safety functions for fusion facilities;
e. the use of basic design features, equipment, and operating and administrative pro-
cedures to minimize anticipated operational occurrences and off-normal conditions
and to control and mitigate their consequences should they occur;
the implementation of a rigorous and formalized quality assurance program, the
organization of surveillance activities, and the establishment of a safety culture;
g. use of emergency plans as required to mitigate the effects of radiological and haz-
ardous releases to workers and the public.
h. additional levels of defense may be needed to compensate for technological
4.2 Identification of Items Required to Implement Safety
Internal and external postulated initiating events (PIEs) that challenge the public safety
functions shall be systematically identified. Event sequences that account for additional potential
failures of items (structures, systems, components, and software, etc.) from PIEs shall be
developed. Based on these event sequences, items that are required to function to prevent
accidental releases of radioactive and/or hazardous materials in excess of evaluation guidelines
or to maintain consequences to ALARA goals shall be identified.
4.3 Design Basis
The facility design basis shall define the necessary capabilities of the facility to cope with
a specified range of operational states, maintenance and other shutdown activities, anticipated
operational occurrences, and off-normal conditions to meet the evaluation guidelines presented
in Section 3. The facility design shall recognize that both internal and external challenges to
each level of defense may occur, and design measures shall be provided to assure that evalua-
tion guidelines can be met.
The design basis shall include consideration of natural phenomena (e.g., earthquakes,
floods, and high winds), environmental effects, and dynamic effects (e.g., pipe ruptures, pipe
whip, and missiles) in order to establish a set of external challenges. The importance of these
events in the design basis shall be evaluated based on the risk of event sequences developed
for the facility.
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