| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
b. Enclose cable trays--Totally enclosing the trays with solid sheet metal (to the extent
that such enclosures do not interfere with plant maintainability) will prevent the con-
tamination of large quantities of cabling, but heat buildup should be considered in this
closed geometry.
c. Minimize cable trays in contaminated areas--Locating the trays in clean areas to the
extent possible minimizes contamination.
d. Relocate motor control centers--The amount of contaminated equipment will be
reduced by locating motor control centers in areas that are not susceptible to
e. Use bolted steel construction--This construction technique reduces radioactive waste
by using an easily decontaminated construction material. This technique will also
reduce exposure by decreasing disassembly time.
Smooth and coat concrete surfaces --These are preventive and protective measures
against the radioactive contamination of concrete surfaces and thus decrease the
quantity of radwaste associated with the decontamination of such surfaces.
Exposure reduction is the objective for these 19 techniques:
a. Material selection--Apply design techniques and selection of materials to minimize
activation or to ensure that activated material can readily be removed and disposed.
b. Substitution and purification of materials--For example, use of low-cobalt steels will
result in lower Co-60 activation products and thus in lower occupational exposures
during decommissioning.
c. Scale models--Exposure savings can be realized during and after the operational life
of the facility by using models as planning aids.
d. Flanged construction--This construction technique (to the extent it does not com-
promise technical specifications on leakage, especially tritium) will reduce exposure
by decreasing the time required to disconnect components and by reducing the use of
dismantling methods that spread contamination (e.g., power hacksaws and circular
e. Quick disconnect components--This construction technique (to the extent it does not
compromise technical specifications on leakage, especially tritium) will reduce expo-
sure by decreasing the time required to disconnect components.
Remote sampling--This capability reduces exposure associated with environmental
sampling activities by allowing the data to be collected remotely.
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