| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
g. Waste storage capacity--Provision should be made in the site layout for a waste stor-
age facility (which may not be constructed until just prior to decommissioning if it is
intended only for decommissioning wastes) to provide temporary storage space so
that accumulated waste will neither slow down decommissioning nor be stored in
areas that may pose exposure hazards.
h. Nonembedment of pipes, ducts, and equipment in concrete--This design feature (to
the extent it does not compromise release of fluids from the pipes) reduces the effort
and exposure time required to remove items at the time of decommissioning.
Removable roof, wall panels, and plugs--This design feature provides improved
access for removal of radioactive components and thus reduces exposure time.
Access to and into all tanks--Such access will shorten setup time and thus reduce
k. Facility breathing air supply system--Breathing air supplies for decommissioning work
should be considered in the facility design and, if incorporated, should be installed at
the time of construction to avoid the problems with portable units at the time of
Preinstalled manipulator supports--This design feature is intended to reduce expo-
sure during segmentation of the fusion island components by performing the prelimi-
nary work in a low-radiation environment during construction rather than in a high-
radiation environment after shutdown.
m. Lifting fixtures on large components--Installation of the lifting fixtures prior to facility
startup rather than in a radioactive environment after shutdown will prevent significant
radiation exposures.
n. Anchor points for lifts--Incorporation of anchor devices for lifting large components
prior to facility startup rather than in a radioactive environment after shutdown will pre-
vent significant radiation exposures.
o. Tracks for remote cutting devices--Installation of guide tracks for segmentation cutting
devices prior to facility startup rather than in a radioactive environment after shutdown
will prevent significant radiation exposures.
p. Preplaced concrete core samples--To obtain activated concrete profiles for radiologi-
cal characterization of the concrete, core samples should be drilled or cast in place
prior to facility startup rather than in a radioactive environment after shutdown.
q. Complete drainage capacity--Exposure due to pockets and traps containing contami-
nated liquids is minimized. Complete flushing and drying of the system is possible
prior to dismantling.
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