| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
described in the following section. Because the radionuclide inventory limits contained in
DOE-STD-1027 are primarily associated with the fission process, the radionuclide list has been
expanded to include additional isotopes that could be present in fusion facilities. The expanded
limits for Category 2 fusion facilities are provided in Appendix A to this Standard.
The radioactive and hazardous material inventories can be segmented provided it can be
shown that the potential consequences associated with the hazardous material are limited to the
segmented amount rather than the inventory present in the more than one segment or the entire
facility. Based on the guidance presented in DOE 1992d, inventory segmentation is allowed if
the hazardous material in one segment could not interact with the inventory in other segments to
result in larger potential consequences than from any of the individual segments. For example,
independence of the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) and piping must exist to
demonstrate independence for facility segmentation purposes. This independence must be
demonstrated and places the "burden of proof" on the analyst.
5.3.2 Classification
The classification of fusion facilities should follow the guidance provided in DOE-STD-
1027-92 (DOE 1992d). This guide provides for three facilities hazard categories summarized as
a. Hazard Category 1--Hazard analysis shows the potential for significant off-site con-
sequences. Fusion facilities in this category would be designated by the cognizant
DOE official.
b. Hazard Category 2--Hazard analysis shows the potential for significant on-site con-
sequences. Examples include facilities with the sufficient quantities of hazardous
radioactive materials that meet or exceed the inventory values contained in the guid-
ance document used for classifying facilities (DOE 1992d).
c. Hazard Category 3--Hazard analysis shows the potential for significant localized con-
sequences at a facility. Examples include facilities with quantities of hazardous radio-
active materials that meet or exceed the inventory values contained in the guidance
document used for classifying facilities.
In addition to these three categories, there is an additional category for all of the facilities
that have less hazard potential than the least of the previous three categories. This category is
defined as follows:
d. Below Hazard Category 3--Hazard analysis shows the potential consequences to be
below the guidelines of the requirements described in DOE-STD-1027-92, as modified
by this Standard. An example of this is those facilities that have inventories of radio-
active material less than those specified for Category 3 facilities for hazard catego-
rization. Thus, these facilities would be classified as non-nuclear facilities. It should be
noted that many of the smaller fusion facilities could fall into this category.
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