| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
6.1 Introduction and General Guidance
This section describes an acceptable but not necessarily unique way to implement
DOE-STD-6002-96, "Safety of Magnetic Fusion Facilities: Safety Requirements," in the design
and construction of near-term deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion facilities that will satisfy the intent
of Department of Energy (DOE) nonreactor nuclear safety requirements. To achieve adequate
safety, it is important to take safety into account as an inherent element in the design process,
beginning with conceptual design. Basic early design decisions, such as materials selection and
performance specifications, can have a significant impact on safety. A graded approach should
be used in the application of these safety design criteria to ensure that the level of detail
required and the magnitude of resources expended for the design are commensurate with the
facility's programmatic importance and the potential environmental, safety, and/or health impact
of normal operations and off-normal events, including design-basis events.
6.1.1 Design Basis
The facility design basis should specify the necessary capabilities of the facility to cope
with a specified range of operational states, maintenance, and other shutdown activities, as
well as off-normal conditions to meet the radiological and toxic material acceptance criteria in
DOE-STD-6002-96. The facility design should recognize that both internal (down to a probability
of 106/yr per event) and external challenges to all levels of defense may occur, and design
measures should be provided to ensure that key safety functions are accomplished and that
safety objectives can be met.
In establishing a set of external challenges, the design basis should include consideration
of natural phenomena (e.g., earthquakes, floods, high winds); environmental effects; and
dynamic effects (e.g., pipe ruptures, pipe whip, and missiles). The importance of these off-
normal events in the design basis should be evaluated based on the risk (both probability and
consequences) of these types of scenarios as identified by the event trees developed for the
facility safety analysis (see Chapter 5). Design-basis events should be specified in the safety
analysis and mitigated in the system design. The following are potential design-basis events for
fusion D-T facilities:
a. fusion overpower transient;
b. loss of flow or coolant pressure to actively cooled components;
c. loss of vacuum or vacuum pumping;
d. chemical reactions including hydrogen detonation;
e. site-generated missile impact from, for example, a catastrophic motor generator (MG)
set failure;
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