| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
Startups and restarts of fusion facilities not requiring an Operational Readiness Review
should be evaluated as to the need for performing a Readiness Assessment prior to startup or
restart. Guidance for the development and implementation of Startup and Restart Requirements
is contained in DOE 1995b, and guidance for the planning and development of the Operational
Readiness Review is contained in DOE 1993.
5.8.2 Risk-Based Prioritization Implications for Startup and Restart Reviews
Implementation of risk-based prioritization principles in formulating startup and restart
review criteria is based on the hazard classification for the facility and described in Section 5.6.
Those facilities that have been assessed as having high levels of hazards require reviews
before initial startup, when significant modifications have been made to the plant, when the facil-
ities have been shutdown for extended periods of time, and when the facility has been shutdown
because of safety concern. Facilities with low hazards (at least a Hazard Category 3 facility)
should, as a minimum, receive an initial startup review and another review when the facility has
been shutdown due to safety concerns or an unplanned shutdown. Facilities designated as
Below Hazard Category 3 are not required to undergo the startup review process.
5.9 Authorization Basis
"Authorization Basis" is the term given to the total body of information used as the basis
for approving operation of a facility. All aspects of the design basis and operational require-
ments, safety analysis, and any other item relied upon by the authorizing agency to authorize
operation constitute the Authorization Basis. These are considered to be important to protecting
the environment and/or the health and safety of workers and the public. The Authorization Basis
is described in documents such as the SARs, the TSRs, the authorization agency's issued eval-
uation reports, and other specific commitments made in order to comply with the authorization
requirements. Guidance for the development and implementation of Authorization Basis
Requirements is contained in DOE 1986, 1992a, 1992b, and 1995b.
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