| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
c. Hazard Category 3--Ensure that the risks associated with the localized conse-
quences are adequately identified. A qualitative risk evaluation would be adequate
to satisfy the risk evaluation requirements.
d. Below Hazard Category 3--Ensure that the risks associated with this category of
facilities are below the threshold consequence limits values for the categories 1, 2,
and 3. Thus, the associated risks associated with below category 3 facilities are low
and as a result, the safety requirements that must be imposed on these facilities are
substantially less than for the facilities in the hazard categories 1, 2, or 3. Only a quali-
tative risk evaluation would be required, at most, to satisfy the risk evaluation require-
ment for this hazard category. Satisfying the risk requirements for a Below Hazard
Category 3 facility should employ the graded approach as defined in DOE 1992d and
DOE 1994.
5.5.2 Safety Analysis Report
SARs for fusion facilities should address the vulnerabilities in the design, management,
and human factors to ensure that the areas that could affect plant safety are evaluated. Histori-
cally, the main emphasis has been on the evaluation of just the safety design considerations.
The safety analysis documentation associated with a fusion facility should be updated on a
periodic basis so that a current evaluation of the safety vulnerabilities and mitigative measures
is maintained. The schedule for the updates should be at least annually for facilities having a
Hazard Category 1, 2, or 3, and every 2 yr for Below Category 3 facilities. The specific require-
ments are provided in the following sections.
SARs should include the results of the safety analysis that identifies dominant contributors
to the risk of the facility so these vulnerabilities can be better managed. The SAR for Hazard
Category 1, 2, and 3 facilities should address the following based on DOE 1992b using a
deterministic analysis approach:
1. Executive Summary;
2. Applicable statutes, rules, and regulations;
3. Site characteristics;
4. Facility description and operation, including design of principal structures, com-
ponents, all systems, engineered safety features, and processes;
5. Hazards analysis and classification of the facility;
6. Principal health and safety criteria;
7. Radioactive and hazardous material waste management;
8. Radiation protection;
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