| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
The design of the SSCs that perform the safety-class and safety-significant safety func-
tions should meet the appropriate requirements established in Table 5.1.
TABLE 5.1. Safety system functional requirements
Safety-Class Safety Function
Safety-Significant Safety Function
System design
Reliable methods of accomplishing the required
Nonredundant systems are normally used to
safety function should be provided. Some of the
perform the worker safety function. The safety
design techniques that would ensure system
system should be analyzed to preclude failures
reliability would include redundancy, diversity,
mechanisms that could disrupt the system
simplicity in design, independence, fail safe, fault
function. Multiple systems may be employed, at
tolerant. Each method should be analyzed to identify
the discretion of the facility developer, to ensure
potential failure mechanisms from performing the
that the system functions are performed.
safety function in the system and to minimize those
failures in the design. For further guidance on
providing reliable system designs, see
Codes and
Nationally accepted design codes should be used in
The codes and standards used for these systems
the design (see Chapter 6). The applicability,
should be those which have been validated
adequacy, and sufficiency of the codes and
through satisfactory performance in commercial
standards used should be evaluated. These codes
and standards should be supplemented or modified
as necessary to ensure system performance in
keeping with the importance of the safety functions
to be performed.
The safety system should be equivalent to that
Safety system should be demonstrated to have a
associated with commercial industrial safety
high reliability. One of the ways to demonstrate this
is by providing multiple, redundant, diverse
systems/barriers to accomplish the safety function.
The SSCs should require an appropriate level of
The systems required should be designed
quality for the design and construction to ensure the
in accordance with industrial quality requirements.
system function is performed. Quality assurance in
accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR
830.120 should be implemented.
The SSCs should be tested/surveyed periodically to
The SSCs should be tested/surveyed periodically
determine that the function can be provided.
to determine that the function can be provided.
Acceptance criteria should be established to
evaluate the test results that demonstrate when the
system is performing its intended function. The test
frequency should be established to ensure that the
system demand and reliability requirements are
Design for natural phenomena should be in
The SSCs should be designed to withstand
accordance with facility performance goals per
appropriate natural phenomena and continue to
DOE Order 420.1 (DOE 1995a).
provide the required safety function. Design for
natural phenomena should be in accordance with
facility performance goals per DOE Order 420.1
(DOE 1995a).
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