| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
TABLE 6.2. Group 1 systems
Facility specific function
Potential safety function
Plasma fueling
Provide H/D/T
Primary confinement of tritium
Pumping systems
Maintain specified vacuum and
Primary confinement of tritium
torus exhaust
Plasma heating
Heat plasma to ignition and main-
Primary confinement of tritium
tain driven plasma current
Tritium plant
Separate H/D/T from plasma
Primary confinement of tritium
exhaust; remove tritium from
process streams
Breeding blanket
Breed tritium for fusion reaction;
Primary confinement of tritium;
transfer heat to balance of plant
(depending on design)
Magnet shielding
Shield cryogenic magnets from
Part of biological shield for plant
nuclear heat loads
TABLE 6.3. Group 2 systems
Stored energy
Proximity to safety-class SSCs
Less than a few GJ
Can focus energy on plasma-facing com-
ponents (e.g., runaway electrons)
100s of GJ
Close to cryostat and tritium piping
Vessel cooling
100s of GJ
Close to vacuum vessel
10s of GJ
Close to vacuum vessel
Breeding blanket
10s100s of GJ
Close to vacuum vessel and interface to
tritium processing systems
6.5.1 Group 1 Systems
The important design consideration for these systems is that they should be subject to the
same design criteria in performing their public safety function as more visible safety-class sys-
tems, such as the vacuum vessel, while providing primary confinement. Thus plasma-fueling
and vacuum-pumping systems should be designed as safety-class SSCs while performing the
public safety function of tritium confinement if this is shown as required in the safety analysis
process. Parts of these systems not performing public safety functions (e.g., control subsystems
used for the plasma-fueling or vacuum-pumping functions) would not be designated safety-
class. Additional factors to be considered are the presence of new energy sources (e.g., high-
pressure propellant gases, rotating energy of centrifuges, kinetic energy of pellets in plasma-
fueling systems) in these systems and the vulnerable tritium inventory in determining how many
confinement barriers are needed. Designers should try to minimize the portion of these Group 1
systems that supports a public safety function and have clearly defined boundaries between
safety-class and non-safety-class components in such systems. Group 1 systems could
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