| DOE-STD-7501-99
maintain the integrity of ISMS and to generate an annual report. DOE and the contractor are
responsible for a number of efforts to maintain the effectiveness of the ISMS and to perform an
annual review. The DEAR requirements state:
"(d) The system shall describe how the Contractor will establish, document, and implement safety
performance objectives, performance measures, and commitments in response to DOE program
and budget execution guidance while maintaining the integrity of the system. The system shall also
describe how the Contractor will measure system effectiveness."
"(e) On an annual basis, the contractor shall review and update, for DOE approval, its safety
performance objectives, performance measures, and commitments consistent with and in
response to DOE's programs and budget execution guidance and direction. Resources shall be
identified and allocated to meet the safety objectives and performance commitments as well as
maintain the integrity of the entire System. Accordingly, the System shall be integrated with the
Contractor's business process for work planning, budgeting, authorization, execution, and change
Additionally the DEAR, 48 CFR 970.5204-86, has a section which requires sustaining an effective
ISMS in order to earn contract fees.
"(a) If the contractor fails to ...achieve the minimum performance requirements of the System
during the evaluation period, DOE ...may reduce...fees..."
Responsibilities for DOE lessons learned activities are provided in the Functions, Responsibilities
and Authorities Manuals (FRAM). Support for implementing and improving DOE and contractor
lessons learned activities is available through the DOE Headquarters Lessons Learned Lead Office
(Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH)), the Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing
(SELLS), the Energy Facilities Contracting Group (EFCOG) ISM Working Group, and the
Enhanced Work Planning Executive Committee. The Headquarters Lead Office will monitor
implementation of this Technical Standard and compile recommendations for any subsequent
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