| DOE-STD-7501-99
If the information is obtained from other DOE sources, the lessons learned preparer(s) at other
locations should provide the lesson learned as reported by the original source and provide
additional information about local applicability and use. If information is obtained from a non-DOE
source, the local preparer(s) may reproduce the information in its entirety or abstract the key
information. Typically the local preparer will need to generate the data fields based on the best
judgment of the preparer.
Technical Review
Appropriate Subject Matter Experts review and validate the information contained within the lessons
learned document for accuracy and applicability to the site. Line Managers and Lessons Learned
Manager(s)/Coordinator(s) may also be involved in coordinating and conducting reviews
(depending upon the content of the lesson learned).
Security Classification and Control Review
Lessons learned prepared by DOE and contractor personnel should be releasable to the public,
containing no classified, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI), or proprietary
information. In cases where organizations perform classified and/or UCNI work, lessons learned
documents shall be reviewed for compliance with local organizational security requirements prior
to approval and dissemination. For organizations not involved with classified or UCNI information a
security review is not required. Organizations shall follow contractual agreements between DOE
and the contracting organization regarding reviews for proprietary information.
Dissemination of Lessons Learned Information
Lessons learned should be disseminated with an assigned priority descriptor, which denotes the
risk, immediacy, and urgency of the lessons learned content. Priority descriptors that define
standardized categories of lessons learned (Red/Urgent, Yellow/Caution, Blue/Information and
Green/Good Work Practice) are provided in Appendix A. The lessons learned priority descriptor is
established by lessons learned originator. Recipients of the lesson learned may revise the priority
descriptor for internal use based on the urgency and relevancy of the lesson to their organization.
Red/Urgent lessons require timely dissemination, review, documentation, and tracking of actions
performed. As appropriate, organizations should document and track required response actions to
ensure completion and closure in accordance with the organization's Corrective Action and
Change Control processes.
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