| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
Clarification of some of the Core Requirements contained in Appendix 2
Since the formal inception of the Operational Readiness Review (ORR) program, lessons learned have
been generated. Through review of these lessons learned is has been noted that some of the Core
Requirements need further explanation to properly communicate the expectations contained therein.
Specifically Core Requirement 7 regarding implementation of established requirements has generated
confusion from both a preparation and an evaluation perspective. Core Requirement 10 has generated
confusion from a preparation standpoint. Further details regarding these core requirements are provided
Core Requirements 7 states, "Formal agreements establishing requirements are in place between the
operating contractor and DOE, via the contract or other enforceable mechanism, which govern the safe
operations of the facility. A systematic review of the facility's conformance to these requirements has
been performed. These requirements have been implemented in the facility, or compensatory measures
are in place, and formally agreed to during the period of implementation. The compensatory measures
and the implementation period are approved by DOE." This requirement was established to drive
implementation of various initiatives including S/RIDs and Work-Smart Standards. The requirement
however, includes implementation of the established requirements at the facility. Organizations have
misinterpreted this requirement to be fulfilled through the completion of the S/RID or Work-Smart
Standards program. While the completion of the program elements is certainly prerequisite to the proper
controls being established in the facility, the facility level implementation of the requirements is the issue
of primary concern. The procedures and direction for "floor level" operations must implement the
established requirements agreed to by DOE and the operating contractor through the S/RID, Work-Smart
Standard, or other acceptable program. The existence and adequacy of these procedures and direction at
the floor level must be verified by line management prior to startup/restart, and confirmed by the ORR or
RA team during the startup/restart review.
Core Requirement 10 States, "An adequate startup or restart program has been developed that includes
plans for graded operations and testing after startup or resumption to simultaneously confirm operability
of equipment, the viability of procedures, and the performance and knowledge of the operators. The
plans should indicate validation processes for equipment, procedures, and operators after startup or
resumption of operations including any required restrictions and additional oversight." This requirement
was established to provide direction for the period following the ORR or RA and the startup/restart of the
facility. It is recognized here that, since operations are not authorized prior to and during the ORR or
Appendix 3-3
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