| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
RA, actual operations can not be validated by a line manager or evaluated by an ORR or RA team.
Hence, to some degree (more for a more complex facility), operators will be operating equipment, using
procedures, and handling the hazards for the first time. It is appropriate to establish additional controls,
support, and oversight for critical period of the startup process, which is often called the "deliberate
operations phase." Review of the plans for these deliberate operations give the ORR or RA an
opportunity to judge the level of complexity of the remaining startup/restart activities, the control to be
exercised, and provide an appropriate recommendation to the startup authority, without having actually
seen these events. Likewise, the responsible line manager can gain confidence through the plan that
operators, procedures, and equipment have gained the requisite readiness to conduct work safely.
Some sites have provided guidelines for the establishment of startup/restart controls that accomplish the
objectives outlined above. An example of these guidelines is included here for informational purposes.
It is appropriate to note that the detail and magnitude of this plan is largely dependent of the complexity
of the activity which is being started or restarted and the degree to which operations can be demonstrated
prior to the introduction of hazards. If the majority of operations can be conducted and demonstrated
during preparation and review processes, the plan should include those operations which could not be
demonstrated, or will be conducted for the first time with the hazard present. Alternatively, an operation
where the majority of the preparation must be done through walkthrough and table top, the plan would
necessarily be more extensive.
Guidelines for Startup Plan Development
The plan should provide for a controlled, deliberate approach to achieving safe, hot operations. Other
plans and schedules affecting startup should be summarized in the startup or restart plan such that the
startup or restart plan is a complete, stand-alone document which clearly delineates the graded and
systematic approach to full operations. The plan should detail implementation of management and
facility activities necessary to achieve full operations not merely describe established programs.
A key element involves the participation of qualified management personnel in the evaluation initial
operations testing. As such, the plan should include specific management observer responsibilities
associated with each aspect of the plan. The following paragraphs provide further guidance on the plan.
Appendix 3-4
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