| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000 Contents of Readiness to Proceed Memorandum. The Readiness to Proceed Memorandum is
a communication from an authorized individual of the responsible contractor to the DOE Startup
Authority. The communication certifies that the facility is in a state of readiness to commence operations
following completion of the identified open prestart items and the DOE ORR. For each open prestart
item listed, a corrective action plan, including a schedule of completion, must be included. The
communication should recommend a date for the DOE ORR to start. The DOE ORR completion
schedule should be consistent with the final completion date for the identified open restart items. The
Readiness to Proceed Memorandum should certify completion of the contractor's ORR as well as all
items in the prestart management plan. A copy of the completed contractor ORR report should be
included. DOE Action Following Receipt of Readiness to Proceed Memorandum. The submitted
Readiness to Proceed Memorandum, including the discussion of open items and action plans, is reviewed
by DOE Operations Office management. The review includes verification of the accuracy of the
included information, evaluation as to the completeness of the listing of open items, and whether the
corrective action and time estimates are realistic. In addition, the Operations Office will verifies DOE's
readiness to oversee facility operations as specified in DOE O 425.1B, which requires that DOE line
management up to the authorization authority document in writing their readiness to oversee operations.
With the review as a basis, DOE Operations Office management forwards the Readiness to Proceed
Memorandum to the appropriate DOE line manager with a recommendation as to whether the
memorandum should be accepted and the DOE ORR scheduled or whether additional information or
action should be requested of the responsible contractor, or additional actions taken by DOE Operations
Office management. Following DOE field review, the Readiness to Proceed Memorandum is either
returned to the responsible contractor with identified comments or forwarded recommending approval to
start the DOE ORR. Each DOE management endorsement should identify programs and personnel
positions which have been verified as ready to support facility operations, as well as how the evaluation
was accomplished and actions taken to achieve the state of readiness to oversee operations. The
acceptable Readiness to Proceed Memorandum is ultimately forwarded via the appropriate management
chain of authority to the individual designated in the ORR plan-of-action to approve starting the DOE
ORR for final approval and action.
The Readiness to Proceed Memorandum, with enclosures and endorsements, is retained as a part of the
facility restart record as well as the ORR report and associated documentation. Experiences and lessons
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