| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
5.2.10 Conduct DOE ORR. The DOE ORR team conducts and prepares the report of the DOE ORR
in accordance with the Implementation Plan.
5.2.11 DOE Concurrence Process. When the DOE ORR is complete and all prestart findings are
closed, concur in the status of prestart findings and recommend to the appropriate decision official that
start of operations be authorized. In the cases when the Operations Office manager has been designated
as the authorization authority, he or she will authorize restart and inform the Secretarial Officer.
5.2.12 DOE Prestart Findings Closure Process. Evaluate the responsible contractor's prestart finding
closure process and verify closure of DOE ORR prestart findings as designated by the startup or restart
authority. To verify closure, support may be requested from the DOE ORR Team Leader or members but
remains a line management responsibility. DOE line management verify adequacy of corrective action
plans for all findings from the DOE ORR.
5.2.13 DOE Informs the Contractor of Authorization to Start Operations. Inform the responsible
contractor when authorization to start operations has been granted by the authorization authority
designated in the ORR plan-of-action.
5.3 Roles and responsibilities for DOE Headquarters. This section is divided into two parts. The
first (5.3.1) describes the roles and responsibilities of DOE Headquarters Line Management personnel.
The second part (5.3.2) describes the roles and responsibilities of the DOE Headquarters Independent
Oversight personnel (Office of Environment, Safety, and Health). Many of the requirements discussed
below are also included in the Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual (FRAM).
5.3.1 Headquarters DOE Management. The following items are a summary of the responsibilities of
the Secretarial Officer. The specific items are further defined in other sections of this standard or in
DOE O 425.1B. The summary provides a listing that responsible managers can use to verify that all
necessary steps and decisions have been considered. Obtain Secretary of Energy Approval. The Secretarial Officer must gain S-1 approval for
startup or restarts of nuclear facilities when S-1 is the authorization authority.
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