| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
assessment expertise in addition to technical expertise. No ORR team member shall review his or
her own work or that for which they are responsible.
d. As a minimum, the DOE and responsible contractor ORR reports shall be maintained in auditable
form. This should include the ORR finding closure records.
e. The contractor and DOE readiness review process must have a provision to record and retain lessons
learned for future use. Lessons learned should be documented in the ORR report.
The process flow diagram in Appendix 5 depicts the sequence of requirements to achieve startup
authorization. The diagram includes a reference to the Section(s) of the ORR standard that describe
the requirements of each step or element.
4.6 Exemptions. DOE O 425.1B specifies that the exemption provisions of DOE O 251.1 and DOE
M 251.1-1 are applicable. Obtaining an exemption to ORR requirements might be appropriate in those
situations when a short duration, one-time activity is to be conducted for which the requirements for an
ORR are not warranted. Examples of this situation include one-time, unique operations to clean out
systems or components incident to deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) or short duration actions
necessary to support national commitments in unusual circumstances. The justification for exemption
should be prepared by the responsible contractor and reviewed or approved on a case-by-case basis in
accordance with DOE M 251.1-1. The exemption request should define the process to confirm readiness
to safely start the operations and to ensure that the operation will be conducted with the degree of safety
warranted by the hazards and risks of the process being conducted. The exemption request should define
compensatory measures such as continual supervisory or DOE presence during operations to be taken to
assure safety. The exemption request should identify the activities to be taken to assure readiness of
personnel, procedures, and structures, systems, and components to safely conduct the operation. The
exemption request should also specify the methods of review to verify readiness has been achieved. The
justification to conduct operations under these specified conditions is provided to EH for their
independent review. When the exemption is to extend beyond the time requirements of DOE O 425.1,
section 4.a (1), the exemption request to authorize an RA in lieu of an ORR should provide justification
for approval and describe the scope of the proposed Readiness Assessment to be conducted.
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