| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000 DOE ORR Support. Support the DOE ORR evaluation of Headquarter's programs and
personnel as required by the approved DOE ORR plan-of-action and DOE ORR Implementation Plan. Grant Approval to Start or Restart Operations. The designated authorization authority
reviews the results of the responsible contractor's and DOE ORRs and when satisfied that all prestart
findings have been resolved, grant permission to start or resume operations. Keep Responsible Parties and Organizations Informed. Throughout the process, it may be
necessary to provide copies of plans and reports or briefings to appropriate organizations. The
Secretarial Officer planning for each specific restart or startup must evaluate these needs and
requirements and ensure they are properly executed. Management Self-Assessment. Conduct an MSA of the ORR process as required by DOE
414.1/ P 450.5/M411.1-1A (FRAM).
5.3.2 Independent Oversight Organizations. DOE O 425.1B, Section 5.c specifically indicates that
DOE independent oversight of the Operational Readiness Review and Readiness Assessment process is
the responsibility of the Office of Environment, Safety and Health. To assure that the startups and
restarts of DOE nuclear facilities proceed in a timely fashion it is incumbent upon the contractors,
Operations Office Managers, and Secretarial Officers to assure that the Office of Environment, Safety
and Health is provided with appropriate documentation to review throughout the process. It is also
incumbent upon the Office of Environment, Safety and Health to provide comments to these
organizations in a timely fashion to assure that their concerns are addressed with minimal impact on the
startup and restart schedule. Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health (EH-1). In addition to the general
Departmental responsibilities specified in DOE M 411.1, Manual of Functions, Responsibilities, and
Authorities (FRAM), EH-1 assigns EH-2 to exercise independent oversight of the startup and restart
process for nuclear facilities. This responsibility specifically entails the following:
(1) In coordination with the Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO), perform independent reviews
of startup and restart activities as appropriate and provide results of these reviews to DOE
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