| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
Operational Readiness Review Team Leaders, cognizant Operations Office Managers, and CSOs
for resolution.
(2) Assess the CSO, Operations Office, and contractor procedures for startup or restart of nuclear
facilities and provide periodic reports to the Secretary on their effectiveness. This periodicity
should be governed by the perceived health of the processes at the various organizations.
Organizations with noted deficiencies should receive additional assistance. Lessons learned
from these evaluations should be shared throughout the department.
(3) In coordination with PSO and Field Office, perform independent review of contractor start up
notification reports and provide results of these reviews to Cognizant Operations Office
Managers and Cognizant Secretarial Officers for resolution.
(4) Review and comment on contractor and DOE plans-of-action and Operational Readiness
Review Implementation Plans for startup or restart of nuclear facilities for both Readiness
Assessments and Operational Readiness Reviews, including the specification of the involvement
in the startup or restart activities proposed by the Office of Oversight (EH-2).
(5) Review and comment on the Operational Readiness Review Final Report recommendations
regarding startup or restart to the DOE startup or restart approving official. These comments
should be focused on the objective of ensuring correction of the identified issues and the
prevention of a similar occurrence, particularly with respect to programmatic deficiencies.
(6) Provide any dissenting opinion on the readiness of a facility to startup or restart to the DOE
ORR team, DOE line management, or the Secretary if a significant safety concern is not being
properly corrected.
(7) If requested by the Secretary, concur in the final decision to startup or restart a nuclear
facility. EH Concerns. Any environmental, safety, or health concerns discovered by the Office of
Environment, Safety and Health during their oversight of DOE's ORR will be brought to the immediate
attention of the DOE ORR Team Leader for resolution.
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