| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
b. The actions proposed in the action plan developed, submitted, and approved with the original
completion schedule.
c. A brief description of the actual corrective actions taken and reasons for concluding that closure
has been achieved and how referenced documents support closure. The referenced documents or
objective evidence from these documents illustrating the corrective actions, and the dates of the
actions should also be included.
d. Signatures of appropriate line management, as defined by the site procedures or within the ORR
Implementation Plan. A draft closure form is provided as Form 3, ORR Finding Resolution Form,
in Appendix 4.
e. DOE Verification (DOE ORR findings as a minimum) of the adequacy and completion of the
corrective actions.
5.8 Lessons Learned. All ORR reports must contain a section concerning lessons learned and should
be used by both contractor and DOE to improve the ORR process. These lessons learned provide
information concerning problems encountered by the review team, adequacies or inadequacies
concerning the review, design and implementation, expertise, or any other relevant factors or information
that may be used by future review teams.
A mechanism to ensure that these lessons are transmitted to future review teams and incorporated into
the design and implementation of future reviews has been implemented. Lessons learned are available at
the DOE ORR web site, http://www.dp.doe.gov/CTG/RESOURCE/orr/default.htm. In addition, many of
the lessons learned have been included in DOE-HDBK-3012-96.
The ORR process may also identify lessons learned applicable to similar facilities. Lessons learned in
areas such as operations, procedures, design or documentation may be identified. The ORR team should
include these lessons learned in the report as well. Facility management or DOE management is then
responsible for promulgation of these lessons learned in accordance with established procedures for
lessons learned. The ORR Report may be issued prior to completion of the writing of the lessons learned
section in order that distributing the report might not be delayed. However, each ORR report must
ultimately contain a lessons learned section as required by DOE O 425.1B.
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