| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
5.7.2 Corrective Action Plans. The contractor and DOE must prepare corrective action plans for the
correction of all findings assigned to each element. Except as noted, these requirements apply to both the
Contractor and DOE ORR findings. The action plan should contain the following elements:
a. The finding, as written in the report submitted by the ORR team, and whether the finding is a
prestart or post-start finding.
b. A detailed proposed action plan for addressing the deficiencies identified in that finding. The
proposed action plan should provide evaluation of any overall programmatic deficiencies or root
causes related to a specific finding which may lead to further similar occurrences and include
actions addressing such deficiencies or root causes. For findings in the DOE ORR, DOE must
approve the contractor's proposed corrective action plan.
c. The proposed dates when the action elements will be completed. If the corrective actions for a
finding are phased, then the dates for each phase should be detailed.
d. If it is a post-start finding, a description of the risks and mitigating actions, if any, to be taken
during the interim that will reduce the risks associated with the finding to an acceptable level
before final correction. DOE line management shall verify that the corrective action plan has been
entered into the appropriate quality program issue management system.
5.7.3 Action Tracking/Closure Methodology. Monitoring and verification of satisfactory closure of
prestart findings from both the Contractor and DOE ORRs is a line management responsibility. The
ORR Team Leader and team members may be requested to assist in the verification or adequate
resolution of prestart findings. DOE O 425.1B defines elements of the required process to close ORR
prestart findings. This is accomplished by development of a closure package that is reviewed and
certified by the facility management and further reviewed by DOE management for findings from the
DOE ORR. These procedures should be documented either in a facility wide requirement or within the
individual ORR Implementation Plan. Closure packages should contain the following information:
a. The finding, written verbatim from the original report, and identifying the finding as a prestart or
post-start finding.
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