| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
5. Introduction An introduction should provide information and background regarding the facility
being reviewed, the reason(s) for shutdown (if a restart), the purpose of the review/evaluation, and the
scope of the activity evaluation. Other information that should be provided include a brief discussion of:
a. The overall objectives of the evaluation;
b. The review process and methodologies used in the review;
c. The team composition; and
d. Definitions applicable to the review.
6. ORR Evaluation For each functional area, the report should discuss the core requirement and
provide conclusions as to the readiness of the functional area to safely support proposed operations.
Conclusions as to the readiness of hardware, personnel, procedures, and the management system that
controls each review area should be addressed, including key issues concerning the review area. The
evaluation should discuss the prestart and post-start findings associated with the review and provide a
conclusion as to the readiness of the facility to begin operation.
Any deviations from the Implementation Plan should be discussed, along with the reasons for the
deviation(s), and what alternative actions were taken to compensate, if required. As the evaluation
section provides the bases for the determination of readiness for each core requirement, it should discuss
not only the deficiencies found during the review, but should also discuss those positive aspects that
affected the determination. In addition, the ORR Final Report should also identify as "Observations"
those items that are not findings, but if addressed, would lead to excellence in operations. The detailed
documentation to support the conclusions may be included in an appendix which consists of the
individual check lists with the accompanying appraisal and issue forms. See Appendix 4 for additional
7. Implementation of ISMS The core requirements, in aggregate, address many of the core functions
and guiding principles of Integrated Safety Management (ISM). The final report should include a
statement regarding the Team Leader's assessment of the adequacy of the implementation of those
functions and principles which were addressed by the ORR at the facility undergoing the review. This is
neither direction nor inference that any additional review be added to the ORR/RA process to address
ISM. Only to the extent that the ISM processes are visible in the established review should they be
evaluated and commented on.
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