| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
RP.1 Radiological protection programs are established, sufficient numbers of qualified personnel are
provided, and adequate facilities and equipment are available to ensure operational support services are
adequate for safe operations. (CORE REQUIREMENT 1)
The radiological protection organization is established and functioning to support the operations
organization. Functions, assignments, responsibilities, and reporting relationships are clearly
defined, understood, and effectively implemented. It is adequately staffed with qualified
personnel. (10 CFR 835, Conduct of Operations Matrix, S/RID FA 11)
The radiological protection program meets or exceeds the requirements of 10 CFR 835. (10 CFR
835, S/RID FA 11)
Record Review: Review the documentation (e.g., administrative procedures, organizational
charts, position descriptions, or internal memorandums) which establish the roles, responsibilities,
interfaces, and staffing levels for the radiological protection support organization. Review the
necessary records and program procedures to ensure that the radiological protection program
includes the items identified above. Review records of radiation protection evaluations of off-
normal occurrences with identified necessary corrective actions. Review implementation of rule
10 CFR 835, S/RID FA 11.
Interviews: Interview those radiation protection personnel who support operations to determine if
they are familiar with their roles, responsibilities, and interfaces with the operations organization.
Shift Performance: While observing operations and maintenance evolutions and drill response,
determine if the radiation protection personnel who support XXX operations are providing
adequate support to the operations organization, and that they are giving adequate attention to
health, safety and environmental protection issues.
Appendix 4-10
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