| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
3.39 Safety Evaluation Report. A DOE document that describes the extent and detail of DOE
review of a Safety Evaluation Report (SAR) or equivalent analysis report, the bases for approving the
SAR (or equivalent), and any conditions of SAR (or equivalent) approval. Approval signifies that DOE
has accepted the analysis as appropriately documenting the safety basis of a facility basis for operational
controls necessary to maintain an acceptable operating safety envelope.
3.40 Safety Class Structure, Systems, and Components. Nuclear safety structures, systems, and
components (SSCs) that are relied upon to protect the safety and health of off-site public as identified by
safety analyses.
3.41 Safety Programs. Programs, required by DOE or other regulatory authority or committed to in
the contractor's SMS description, that will be adhered to for a scope of work by a facility or site in
support of the work.
3.42 Safety Significant Structures, Systems, and Components. Structures, systems, and components
(SSCs) that are not designated as safety class SSCs, but whose preventative or mitigative function is a
major contributor to defense in depth (i.e., prevention of uncontrolled material release) and/or worker
safety as determined from hazard analyses.
3.43 Safety Structures, Systems, and Components.
Both safety significant SSCs and safety class
3.44 Scope. The overall magnitude of the ORR as defined by the breadth of core requirements
selected and depth of evaluation of these core requirements during conduct of the ORR.
3.45 Secretarial Officer. The senior manager within a DOE organization such as Defense Programs
(DP), Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM), Office of Science (SC), or Office of
Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (NE) who may be an Assistant Secretary of Energy or an
Office Director. The Secretarial Officer normally has a designation of "1" (DP-1, EM-1, NE-1).
3.46 Senior Advisor (sometimes identified as Senior Safety Advisors or Senior Nuclear Safety
Experts). Senior individuals with significant experience in determination of operational readiness and
specific technical expertise who serve as technical assistants and advisors to the ORR Team Leader.
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