| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
3.33 Readiness To Proceed Memorandum (Declaration of Readiness to Operate). The formal
document submitted by the contractor which certifies the conclusion that the facility is prepared to start
or resume operations. The memorandum may include specific items requiring completion or resolution
prior to resumption of program work. Submitting the memorandum is a prerequisite to starting the DOE
ORR. Upon completion of the DOE ORR and correction of identified deficiencies, the memorandum is
forwarded to the startup authorization authority with recommendation that startup be authorized.
3.34 Restart. The recommencement of program work. Restarts requiring an ORR can occur in
operating facilities if the process to be resumed meets the requirements for an Operational Readiness
Review. This can be true even if the same program work is on-going in some other portion of the
operating facility.
3.35 Review Approach. A description of what the technical experts (team members) will examine
and how the examination will be conducted to gather objective evidence that the criteria have been met.
The review approach consists of a sampling of documents, hardware, people, and performance. These
are alternatively termed Criteria and Review Approaches (CRAs) or Criteria and Review Approach
Documents (CRADs).
3.36 Safety Analysis. A documented process to: (1) provide systematic identification of hazards
within a given DOE operation; (2) describe and analyze the adequacy of the measures (systems,
procedures, and administrative controls) taken to eliminate, control, or mitigate identified hazards; and
(3) analyze and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risks.
3.37 Safety Analysis Report. The report that documents the safety analysis for a nuclear facility to
ensure that the facility can be constructed, operated, maintained, shut down, and decommissioned safely
and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
3.38 Safety Basis. The combination of information relating to the control of hazards at a nuclear
facility (including design, engineering analyses, and administrative controls) upon which the Department
depends for its conclusion that activities at the facility can be conducted safely. Safety Basis includes
hazard classification documents, Safety Analysis Reports (SAR), Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs),
and DOE-issued safety evaluation reports (SER), and facility specific commitments made to comply with
DOE nuclear safety requirements.
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