| DOE-TSL-1- 2002
NE E 15- 3T
Insulation/Heater Module-Piping (4/72)
03/75 No longer needed
NE E 15-2NB-T
Class 1 Nuclear Components (Supplement
07/96 No longer needed
to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section III, Subsections NCA and NB) (8/83)
07/96 No longer needed
NE E 15-2NC-T
Class 2 Nuclear Components (Supplement
to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section III, Subsections NCA and NC) (3/82)
07/96 No longer needed
NE E 15-2ND-T
Class 3 Nuclear Components (Supplement
to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section III, Subsections NCA and ND)
07/96 No longer needed
NE E 15-2NE-T
Class MC Nuclear Components
(Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section III, Subsections NCA
and NE) (8/75)
07/96 No longer needed
NE E 16- 1T
Test Vehicles for Transient Reactor Test
Facility (TREAT) Experiments Containing
Sodium (8/74)
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 1- 1
Preparation and Application of RDT
Standards (w/Amendment 1) (6/77)
NE F 1- 2T
Preparation of Plant and System Design
07/96 No longer needed
Description Documents (see conversion
project FACR-0001) (1/89)
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 1- 3T
Preparation of Unusual Occurrence Reports
(w/Amendment 1) (12/77)
NE F 2- 2
Quality Assurance Program Requirements
07/96 No longer needed
(w/Amendments 1-7) (1/82)
NE F 2- 4
Quality Verification Program Requirements
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 2- 6T
Quality and Control of Analytical Chemistry
07/96 No longer needed
Laboratories for Mixed Oxide Fuel Analysis
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 2- 7T
Acceptance Sampling Plans (11/73)
NE F 2- 8T
Qualification and Control of Analytical
07/96 No longer needed
Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod
Absorber Material Analysis (12/78)
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 2- 9T
Reliability Assurance (6/74)
NE F 2-10
Quality Assurance Program Requirements
07/96 No longer needed
(Supplement to ANSI/ASME NQA-1) (8/85)
NE F 3- 2T
Calibration Program Requirements (2/73)
07/96 No longer needed
NE F 3- 6T
Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to
07/96 No longer needed
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section V) (2/83)
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