| DOE-TSL-1-2007
NE F 6- 5T
Welding and Brazing Qualifications
07/96 No longer needed
(Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section IX) (3/83)
NE F 6- 6T
Welding of Structural Components (AWS
07/96 No longer needed
D1.1 with Additional Requirements) (6/73)
NE F 6- 7T
Weldability Tests for Materials (7/71)
04/75 No longer needed
NE F 6-10T
Repair of Materials by Welding (7/71)
04/75 No longer needed
NE F 6-11T
Fabrication and Installation of Piping
07/96 No longer needed
Subassemblies for Liquid Metal Service
(w/Amendments 1 and 2) (6/73)
NE F 6-14T
Brazing Fabrication Requirements (7/71)
04/75 No longer needed
NE F 7- 1T
Continuous Identification Marking of
05/74 No longer needed
Components for Shipment and Storage
NE F 7- 2T
Packaging, Packing, and Marking of
07/96 No longer needed
Components for Shipment and Storage
(w/Amendment 1) (1/76)
NE F 7- 3T
Marking of Components and Parts
07/96 No longer needed
(w/Amendment 1) (10/78)
NE F 8- 1T
Preloaded Threaded Fasteners and
01/89 Replaced by EPRI
Closures (11/76)
NP-5067 (1987)
NE F 8- 6T
Hoisting and Rigging of Critical
07/96 No longer needed
Components and Related Equipment
NE F 8- 7T
Transportation of Critical Components
10/84 Replaced by NQA-1-
and Equipment (1/76)
79 and NQA-2-83
NE F 8- 9T
Design Basis for Fuel and Irradiations
07/96 No longer needed
Experiment Resistance to Shock and
Vibration in Truck Transport (2/75)
NE F 8-11T
Fuel Shipping Container Tiedown for
07/96 No longer needed
Truck Transport (1/75)
NE F 9- 1T
Requirements for Nuclear Components at
06/74 No longer needed
Elevated Temperatures (Supplement to
ASME Elevated Temperature Code Case
1331) (4/73)
NE F 9- 2T
Seismic Requirements for Design of
07/96 No longer needed
Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Test
Facilities (2/85)
NE F 9- 4T
Requirements for Design of Class 1
07/96 No longer needed
Elevated Temperature Nuclear System
Components (Supplement to ASME Code
Case N-47) (see conversion project
GDRQ-0002) (6/86)
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