| ![]() DOE-STD-1073-2003
Configuration Management
Nameplate: The plate or label attached to a component by the manufacturer to provide
applicable component identification and design data, such as temperature, pressure, flow
Walkdown team: Personnel responsible for gathering information during the walkdown,
and for verifying and documenting the accuracy and completeness of this information.
For this effort, each walkdown team should consist of at least two qualified personnel.
Second Party Verification: Verification of the data gathered during the walkdown by a
second member of the walkdown team. Periodic sampling by QA/quality control (QC)
personnel may also be performed, as appropriate.
Component Configuration Data (CCD) sheets: The method used for documenting both
the component nameplate data and the independent verification. The CCD sheets will
also be the mechanism for identifying missing nameplates or for transferring acquired
data into the equipment database. Attachment A provides an example CCD.
Configuration Management Equipment Database: The computerized database that
contains facility component information such as the design requirements, manufacturer's
identification numbers, etc.
Piping and Instrumentation Drawing (P&ID): A drawing that graphically displays the
process for each facility system and depicts the relevant components within each system.
The P&ID also shows the functional relationship between components (e.g., first a pump,
followed by an isolation valve, then a tank, etc).
At nuclear facilities, a radiation work permit (RWP) is required for each walkdown
performed inside the radiation-controlled area and shall be obtained in accordance with
the applicable facility procedures.
All relevant facility safety practices shall be in effect and shall be followed, as
appropriate (e.g., use of hard hats, ear protection, eye protection, scaffolding erection,
chemical hazard protection, etc). Minimal risk to personal safety will be exercised in
obtaining walkdown information; if in doubt, ask for assistance.
Components shall not be operated, disassembled, or affected in any way, except by
authorized personnel (e.g., walkdown personnel can not change a valve position, open an
energized cabinet, turn a switch, etc).
The Operations Department shall be notified and authorization obtained (e.g., from the
shift supervisor, wing supervisor, or other operation's manager on shift) prior to
conducting a walkdown of each system.
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