| DOE-STD-1104-96
conditions in the SER not currently in place in these documents should identify an
expected schedule for completion.
Revisions of DSAs and TSRs, including DSA annual updates, undergo review and
approval. Review and approval of revisions are a matter of endorsing the incorporation
of changes in the safety basis since the last approval rather than performing a new
assessment of the previously approved safety basis documents. Modifications to the
facility operations not encompassed by the safety basis as documented in a DSA and
TSRs invoke the USQ process. Therefore, revisions are generally administrative and/or
editorial in nature in that they incorporate final disposition of USQs, and conditions of
approval stated in the existing SER, and/or minor changes that clarify the safety basis
documentation. For this reason, administrative and editorial revisions determined to not
involve a USQ, can be performed by the facility contractor at any time without prior DOE
approval. The facility contractor provides a copy of the revision, with a discussion of the
changes, to the approval authority within thirty (30) days of implementing the changes for
subsequent DOE review and approval. Review and approval of revisions of DSAs and
TSRs do not typically warrant a significant new effort (e.g., detailed review plan, formal
review team) and may be as simple as merely indicating the latest revision numbers for
simple administrative and/or editorial changes.
SERs document the bases for approving revisions, including annual updates. A SER for
a revision typically does not provide the complete basis of approval for that DSA and
TSRs and only provides the basis of approving changes in the provisions resulting from
the revision. Therefore, SERs for revisions are appended to the SER documenting the
last comprehensive determination of the basis of approval of the DSA and TSRs.
Collectively, a SER and its appendices provide the complete basis of approval for any
given DSA and TSRs. A SER without appendices is generated upon the next
comprehensive determination and documentation of the basis of approval for that DSA
and TSRs, or at the discretion of the approval authority.
The remainder of this chapter provides the recommended format and content for a SER.
The SER addresses only those issues that are germane to documenting the basis of
acceptance of the DSA and TSRs; therefore the SER is subject to the graded approach.
Summaries of material already contained in a DSA and TSRs should be brief but
sufficient to provide a knowledgeable reader a basic understanding of the basis of
approving these documents.
Title Page
The title page provides the unique identifier information for both the DSA and TSRs and
the SER. Minimum information consists of: (1) SER title, revision number, and date
issued; (2) title, revision number, and date issued for the DSA and TSRs; (3) facility name
and identification number, if any; (4) site; and (5) DOE contractor's name and appropriate
contract number.
Signature Page
The signature page provides the identification and signature of the approval authority,
and the date of the approval of the DSA and TSRs. Other signatures may be provided at
the discretion of the approval authority.
Executive Summary
This section presents summary information regarding the basis of approval of the DSA
and TSRs. The introduction contains the following information, briefly summarized: (1)
clear identification of the facility for which approval is being granted and its hazard
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