| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
1.2.7. Medical Surveillance
Medical Surveillance of workers at hazardous waste sites is necessary to protect the health of the
worker, establish fitness for duty, and ensure documentation of exposure to hazardous materials.
The elements of the medical surveillance program contained in the site-specific HASP shall, at a
minimum, address:
Employees covered by the program,
Frequency of medical exams/consultations,
Content of medical exams/consultations,
Information provided to the physician,
Physician's written opinion, and
Recordkeeping requirements.
More specific information regarding medical surveillance is contained in Chapter 7.
1.2.8. Exposure Monitoring and Air Sampling
The monitoring component of the site-specific HASP shall be based on all chemical, physical and
radiological hazards identified in the site characterization. At a minimum, it shall address:
Sampling strategy and schedule for personal monitoring (breathing zone), air monitoring
(level of protection) and environmental sampling (offsite migration),
Instrumentation and equipment to be used,
Calibration and maintenance of instruments and equipment, and
QA/QC procedures and analytical methods.
More specific information on exposure monitoring and air sampling is contained in Chapter 8.
1.2.9. Site Control
The site control program is used to control movement of people and equipment in order to
minimize worker exposure to hazardous substances.
The site control measures program contained in the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum,
Site map,
Site work zones,
Definition and use of the "buddy system",
Site communication procedures, including emergency procedures,
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