| DOE-HDBK-3012-96
Ensure the objectives and criteria clearly encompass all aspects of the Core Objectives
required in the approved Plan of Action (POA). Generally, this will be all core objectives in
an ORR and some subset of the total for an RA. The ORR standard breaks the twenty
Core Requirements into 36 objectives which translate easily into functional areas.
Experience has shown this methodology to be successful. Additionally, the "geographic"
scope of the ORR/RA must be considered. The POA should specify the bounds of the
facility, systems, and personnel involved in the activity under review and the approaches for
the objectives and criteria should reflect these boundaries.
Confirm that the criteria review and approach documents (CRADs) are written with a
clear understanding of the facility systems and processes under review. A generic CRAD
should be tailored during the pre-visit to successfully complete a through and critical
Without this understanding and modification of the CRADs, the review effort will suffer.
Fully involve the team early in the process for training and implementation plan
development. Early dialogue with the facility to gain understanding of the activity in
progress and the contractor activities in progress is particularly useful. The implementation
plan used by the contractor and DOE should parallel in numerous
Give the POA and the Implementation Plan to oversight groups (EH, DNFSB, State
Agencies as required) as soon as possible. Early review and input from all stakeholders will
reduce last minute perturbations.
Determine the "mode" of the facility in reference to Standards Requirements Information
Documents (S/RIDs), Necessary and Sufficient, Rule-making, the DOE Order system and
other initiatives related to order compliance. Conduct the review appropriately with respect
to the mechanism selected by the facility. DOE O 425.1 requires a statement of order
compliance with respect to DOE Orders or S/RIDs. Statements to this effect should be
included in the final report in addition to the overall evaluation of the compliance posture
Define the scope of the DOE ORR consistent with that of the contractor ORR.
Differences between the two result in difficulties in performing the DOE ORR. DOE O
425.1 provides a structure for such consistency. Differences will occur in the evaluation of the
core requirements specifically related to DOE management, which are necessarily absent from the
contractor review.
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