| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1001-96
explain the relationship of SPI to other instructional methods
explain the role of the instructor during SPI
conduct an evaluation of SPI
laboratory training setting (if utilized at the facility)
describe the laboratory training setting (not to be confused with OJT
conducted in a facility chemical laboratory)
explain the benefits of conducting training in the laboratory setting
discuss the procedures an instructor should follow to establish a safe
training environment
discuss the problems a laboratory instructor may encounter in controlling
a class in this training setting
describe techniques to optimize learning in this setting
develop a lesson plan for a laboratory training session
conduct a laboratory training session
describe the techniques assess trainee learning in this setting
evaluate a laboratory training session
Learning Objectives
discuss the importance of applying entry-level requirements to development of
discuss the need to accurately determine the correct level of learning required
(knowledge, application, synthesis, etc.) and the need to develop learning
objectives that assess mastery of that level of learning
develop terminal objectives based on an actual task list
develop a series of enabling objectives that support the achievement of a
terminal objective
group learning objectives by training setting
sequence learning objectives
Instructional Materials and Media
discuss the importance of working closely with subject matter experts to identify
content, resources, and constraints for proposed training
develop examples of instructional materials and media (student workbook,
exercise guide, handouts, study guides, OJT checklists, OJT guides, classroom
lesson plans, transparencies, video tapes, etc.)
develop specifications/standards for facility training materials and media
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