| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1074-95
that should be applied to the training programs?
Do procedures, automated operations, personnel oversight, and
operator backup impact the level of formality and effort that must be
applied in developing and implementing the training program?
Magnitude of the Hazards Involved
This factor considers the hazard(s) and the magnitude of the risk that the
hazard poses. Normally, hazard potential is related to a source, but site-,
activity-, or source-specific determinations of the hazard potential should be
examined. Considerations include:
Has the facility or operation been formally classified by DOE as
nuclear hazard category 1, 2, 3 (high, moderate, or low) hazard?
Is there a source that poses a potential hazard to the public,
environment, personnel, equipment, or facility?
Could poor post-training performance cause violation of a technical
safety requirement, breach containment, impact the operation of
protective systems, cause an unplanned or uncontrolled nuclear
criticality, or result in a release of hazardous substances to the
Other Factors
"Management considerations" are other factors that may impact the
determination of the technique(s) for training program development.
Considerations include:
What is the availability of resources (training personnel, SMEs,
What is the immediacy of the need for the training?
What is the anticipated impact of the training and how many people
will it affect?
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