| ![]() Directions: Type this document during TTJA Step 4, "Identify Tasks." This document does
not need to be anything fancy, but it does need to accurately record each item that gets "crossed-
out" as a result of "circling" the task statement. This document will be used in the "Table-Top
Training Design" seminar as a way of reviewing some of the "content" involved in each task.
CAUTION: The intent is NOT for the TTJA Facilitator to have the team think of every element
or step of a task so that it can be recorded in this document. (That is beyond the scope and
intent of TTJA.) Rather, this document serves as a means to capture information that naturally
falls out during TTJA Step 4 so that during the Table-Top Training Design seminar participants
will have a "head start" when attempting to think of the elements/steps involved in each task.
Name of Task
First item that was folded into this task
Second item that was folded into this task
Third item that was folded into this task
Name of Task
Name of Task
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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