| ![]() the workshop. The materials used to hang the pages have to preserve
the integrity of the wall. For example, if the wall is a hard wall with
paint, apply non-marking putty to the back of the page. If tape will not
harm the wall, apply a piece of tape to the top of the page. If the wall
has a cork-board or other cloth-covered surface, perhaps push-pins or
staples would work best. Have whatever materials are most appropriate
available on the supply table.
Once the room is set up and everybody is seated correctly, you are ready
to begin the workshop portion of the seminar. Throughout the
workshop, apply accelerated learning techniques.
This seminar provides an excellent opportunity to apply some accelerated
learning techniques. It is crucial for the Facilitator to set a pleasant,
relaxed, productive environment in which participants feel refreshed and
open to express their ideas. The following techniques can help promote
that kind of environment.
Bring a toy or
Bring a fun toy and/or noisemaker for each participant's use during the
noisemaker for each
seminar (they will return them to you after the seminar). The toys
provide a way for participants to break the stress when they start feeling
burned out or to light-heartedly help keep someone "on track." Koosh
balls and light-weight small Nerf balls are good for tossing around
during breaks. Noisemakers are good for when someone makes a really
good (or really bad) suggestion. Encourage participants to pick and
choose their toy/noisemaker and to trade them for others as the seminar
progresses. NOTE: For health reasons, do NOT use noisemakers that
require someone to blow on/through them. Also, use good taste and
ensure a gender-safe training environment when selecting toys and
noisemakers (e.g., you would not want to bring a noisemaker that says
profane things when the buttons are pushed.)
Music can greatly enhance the environment. CD players and CDs are
allowed in most DOE facilities (whereas tapes and tape recorders are
Bring music for
not). Bring a selection of light jazz (with little or no singing) to play
breaks and "quiet
during breaks (Kenny G, Earl Klugh, Richard Elliott). You can also ask
thinking" time
the participants to bring in their "favorites" to play during breaks, but
use discretion so other participants are not offended by the music. The
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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