| ![]() music played during breaks should be at "conversation level" in terms of
loudness. Bring a selection of soothing Baroque music (no vocals) to
play during quiet moments, such as during the exercises in the lessons or
as participants are doing Nominal Group Technique during the
workshop. (Example: Bach's "Air on the G String.") This music
should be loud enough to be barely audible from the back of the room.
Of course, if any participant comments that the music is distracting,
either turn it down or do not play it.
A 10-minute break should be taken each hour. You may want to take
one extended break (20-30 minutes) in the afternoon if the participants
get burned out (this is common during Step 4). Sometimes giving them
a little extra time so they can go outside and take a short walk can
greatly increase their productivity when they return.
Bring healthful
Having the right kind of refreshments can also help maintain the stamina
of the participants. Healthful refreshments such as fruit, vegetables,
crackers, and juice will maintain a high energy level, whereas "junk foods"
will cause people to experience sugar highs and lows. The Coordinator
should have arranged for healthful refreshments to be available. If not,
suggest that everyone bring an item to share with the entire group.
Making the room look "more pleasant" can also enhance the environment.
Use colors effectively
Rather than writing all the task pages (Step 4) using a plain black marker,
throughout the room
try writing the pages for one entire duty area in one color (e.g., blue), all
the tasks for the next duty area in another color (e.g., green), etc. The net
effect will be a "rainbow" as the pages are added to the wall. NOTE: Do
NOT write each page in a duty area in a different color or this would be too
Be creative and have fun making the environment as pleasant and
productive as possible!
Begin the workshop portion of the seminar by re-stating which job the
operating organization needs to have analyzed. The major purpose of
this discussion is to clarify job titles and specializations that will be
included or excluded from the analysis. For example, if you are
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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