| ![]() the team determine which sequencing rationale is most applicable to the
duty area being examined.
Technique: To indicate the
Sequence the task statements by
sequential order, write the
writing the task number on the right-
number (1, 2, 3, etc.) on the
hand side of a small (1" x 2") post-it
right-hand side of a separate 1" x
note pad and attaching it to the task
statement page
2" post-it note pad and attach the
post-it note to the page on which
the task statement is written.
This will make it easy to revise if
the sequence changes later during
the process.
Co-Facilitator: To save time,
begin writing the numbers on the post-it note pads so you can hand
them, already prepared, to the Facilitator.
When sequencing
During the task sequencing phase, the team may discover a missing task
tasks, allow minor--
statement, one that overlaps another, or some other need for revision.
not major--revisions
Do not permit major changes at this point, but do allow some revision.
to task statements
Once the team has sequenced all task statements in every duty area, ask the
team to sequence the duty areas. Possible duty area sequencing rationales
Sequence the duty
areas as appropriate
1. Sequence the duty areas from most important to least important
2. Follow a duty area with another duty area that has similar tasks or that
logically follows the previous band.
Add the duty area label to each duty area
As with the task statements, the
and task statement page
duty area sequence is partly
Technique: To indicate the duty
area sequence, write an A, B, C,
etc. on a post-it note pad and
attach the note to the yellow duty
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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