| ![]() Re-examine the duty
Once the tasks in each duty area have been refined, ask the team if the duty
area statements
area statement is still an accurate descriptor to encompass the tasks
performed. Sometimes the scope of the duty areas should be narrowed or
broadened to reflect the specific tasks more accurately. To the extent
possible, each duty area should include all the tasks within the area and
exclude all the tasks specified for the other duty areas.
Your role is to stimulate the team to make any necessary refinements that
may be needed. You should question and challenge their statements and
even propose alternative wording, but always allow the team to make all the
technical content decisions.
The purpose of this step is to give the team a chance to read all task
statements, in sequential order, which will help them determine whether
they need to add to or delete from the task list. It also provides a means
for establishing a task numbering scheme. Sequencing the duty areas
and task statements does not take a lot of time and the results of the
sequencing add significantly to the accuracy and completeness of the
final task list.
Possible sequencing rationales:
Before sequencing the task
statements within each duty area,
- chronological order
provide the team with possible
- in the order in which a
sequencing rationales. Sometimes
worker should learn the tasks
Explain possible
the team will discover two or
on the job
sequencing rationales
more subsets of tasks in one duty
- simple to more complex
to the team
area that logically follow one
- arbitrary
another. Remember, though, that
some tasks need not be sequenced
because the order in which they
are learned or performed is arbitrary.
First, you will have the team members sequence the task statements
within the duty areas. Usually, you should select the first duty area to
be sequenced. Based on your knowledge of what needs to be done, you
You choose the duty
can select an area in which some of the tasks are already sequenced or in
area to begin
sequencing tasks
which it appears that such sequencing may be readily accomplished. Let
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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