| ![]() Prior to Seminar:
Which job position is being analyzed? Make sure the Coordinator realizes
only 1 job position is typically analyzed at a time. A common mistake is
that the Coordinator will arrange to analyze a "crafts" job position, for
example, and will invite 1 electrician, 1 pipefitter, and 1 mechanic to
participate on the same TTJA team. This does not work well because these
are three separate job positions. Rather, the Coordinator should schedule 3
electricians to do a TTJA seminar for the "electrician" job position.
Sometimes, though, it is possible to analyze two job positions
simultaneously. This would require two separate teams and 3 Facilitators,
but they would share the same meeting room. (This works well if the
"second" team's job position is not likely to have many tasks.)
What to bring to the seminar? Refer to Segment 3, Step 1, which describes
the accelerated learning techniques that you should apply during the
Do you need to bring
seminar. Check with the Coordinator to see if healthful refreshments will
refreshments the first
be provided or whether you will have to supply them. Also check to see if
you will be allowed to bring a music system so you can play selected music
to enhance the learning environment.
Bring music and the
music player
Since you will need to type the task list and cover letter during the seminar,
you will need access to a computer and printer. If you have your own
portable equipment, check with the Coordinator to see if you are allowed to
Coordinate your
bring these into the meeting room. Otherwise, discuss your needs with the
computing needs
Coordinator to make sure the Coordinator makes adequate arrangements.
(A disk with the standard task list and cover letter format is provided in the
pocket of this Guide.)
Who is providing supplies? Five to ten days prior to the seminar, you
should confirm with the Coordinator who is responsible for gathering
and taking all supplies to the seminar. The Facilitator usually brings the
supplies, participant manuals, and instructional materials. The
Coordinator is usually responsible for having "equipment" and "other"
supplies available in the meeting room. Coordinate these arrangements
with the Coordinator.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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