| ![]() conducting TTJA. You can use this information to lead team members
into thinking of a task, but DO NOT offer suggestions of a task.
Remember, your role is as a process expert...the team members must act as
the content experts.
Refer to the
The team will use various techniques to identify the tasks involved in the job.
"Maximizing Team
The team will have access to available job information to identify the duty
Effectiveness" lesson
areas and tasks, but a certain amount of discussion and consensus decision-
for additional
making will also be required to help the team think of additional tasks. Study
the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and Consensus Decision-Making
(CDM) techniques described in the "Maximizing Team Effectiveness" lesson so
you can effectively apply the techniques throughout the workshop portion of
the seminar.
What the "Maximizing" lesson does not describe is your role during these
processes. You must use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to
effectively implement the NGT and CDM techniques.
During Nominal Group Technique and Consensus Decision-Making
processes, the Facilitator should:
Encourage each team member to contribute
Listen actively to all contributions
Control participants who try to dominate
Verbalize contributions to ensure accuracy and clarity
Provide frequent positive reinforcement
Repress own biases and opinions
Probe and encourage with questions
Set and maintain an enthusiastic climate
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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