| ![]() Explain the Results
AFTER all tasks have been placed in the appropriate box based on the
criteria, explain what implications their selections have had on the
training program:
1. The black box indicates those tasks (termed "non-formal train" tasks)
which can be learned via non-formal training methods (such as
mentoring, informal OJT, using job aids, or following procedures).
Formal training (with documented lesson plans, tests, and attendance
records) need not be developed for the "non-formal training" tasks,
although the job aids and procedures would need to be developed.
2. The green box indicates those tasks (termed "train" tasks) that should be
formally taught, one time, as part of the initial training program.
Because they will be included in the formal training program, lesson
plans (for classroom, formal OJT, laboratory, self-study, and/or
simulator) and tests need to be developed and used for training.
However, these materials may not need extensive development efforts
(e.g., "boilerplate" lesson plans and tests may suffice). Because it is
formal training, records need to be kept to indicate which people
attended the training.
3. The red box indicates those tasks (termed "overtrain" tasks) that should
be formally taught, both in initial training and on a continuing basis,
such as biennially. Because they will be included in the formal training
program, lesson plans (for classroom, formal OJT, laboratory, self-study
and/or simulator) and tests need to be developed and used for training.
However, because of the critical consequences that may occur if these
tasks are not performed correctly, more extensive development efforts
may be appropriate (e.g., detailed lesson plan content, detailed test
content, detailed instructions, etc.). Because it is formal training,
records need to be kept to indicate which people attended the training.
4. The yellow box indicates those tasks (termed "pre-train" tasks) that
should be formally taught, but only taught just prior to when the task
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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