| ![]() needs to be performed. Therefore, it would not be taught in initial
training or even every 2 years in continuing training. The tasks would
only be taught just prior to when the task needs to be performed. (The
tasks placed in this box were those that are only performed once every 2-
1/2 to 5+ years and can be planned far enough in advance to conduct
training. Therefore, it would not be cost-effective to teach people how
to perform the task when they first arrive on the job and then keep re-
teaching them every two years if they only have to perform that task
once every five years.) Because it is included in the formal training
program, lesson plans and tests would need to be developed and used, and
records need to be kept to indicate which people attended the training.
NOTE: For many job positions, there may be no "yellow" tasks.
As the Facilitator, keep in mind there is one "last resort" option for
completing this step. If the team members absolutely cannot come to
consensus on the designation of "black," "yellow," "green," or "red" by
using the criteria in the boxes, you may choose to conduct this step by using
the "DIF" process. Refer participants to the "DIF" form and instructions in
the "Workshop" portion of their Participant Manual. Read the instructions
with the participants and then ask each team member to silently rate each
task for "difficulty," "importance," and "frequency" (DIF). When they are
finished, have the participants take a break so you and the Co-Facilitator
can calculate the average results for each task in terms of DIF. Then, using
the average DIF results for each task, apply the task results to the "Decision
Tree," also located in the Participant Manual (perhaps the team members
can help you do this to save time), to determine if the task is a "no train"
(equivalent to a black box), "train" (green box) or "overtrain" (red box).
process is, in our
There is no "pre-train" (yellow box) using this method.
opinion, more time
consuming and does
not provide the
excellent training-
related discussions
that arise with the
"box" method. Use
this ONLY as a very
last resort.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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